Hello guys :) you see the text uder Wall-E ?? today i will post about how make that :)
1. Open Adobe Photoshop Then click File >> new (or press ctrl+n). The file size can be adjusted to your liking. Its function is that we have a file that is used for typing.
2. In the file (step 1), make text using the type tools. Try to choose a bold font. For example Arial Black, Impact.
3. Open file photo / image that will be put into text using the Move tool.
4. Make sure the layer sequence as shown below:
• Press the Ctrl + Alt + G, in Photoshop 7, or
• Select the menu Layer> Create Clipping Mask (Ctrl + G), in Photoshop CS, or
• Select the menu Layer> Create Clipping Mask (Ctrl + Alt + G), in Photoshop CS3.
6. And we can see the result like on the top :)
If you want change the font syle, yo also can use Layer style and just choise what you want to use :)
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