Perhaps not many artist hollywood who dare admit that they worship the devil. But this is the list artist who openly admit that they have been sold their soul to the devil.
In front of the fans, Kanye west says : "I sold my soul to the devil, i know it was crappy deal, at least it came with a few toys and a happy meal"
During the interview, Katy Perry says : "You know what is going on in my live in fifteen, i was introduced to music industry and i swear will be Amy Grant nominated but it's not work out so i sold my soul to the devil"
When Angie Martinez interviews with Rihanna, Angie asks : " Why your hand is over your eyes on your album cover?" and Rihanna admits that because she is a devil worshipper.
You can see in his song titled Say Goodbye Hollywood on the lyric :
[verse 3]
it's like the boy in the bubble, who never could adapt, i'm trapped
if i could go back, i never would rapped
i sold my soul to the DEVIL, i'll never get it back
i just wanna leave this game with level head intact
Jay Z explain that people are very strange in the for judge him, because he start planning from the begining along with Rainman (the new name for the devil).
And on his song tittled Empire State of Mind in third line he clearly says " and Jesus can't save you, life starts when the church ends.
and Jay Z rumored to join freemason/ilumintati since 2001 because he often pose in camera by forming a triangular pyramid in his hand
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