Do you want have beautiful and health lips?? Follow this tips :)
- Drink lots of water
Dehydration is main causes dry lips and cracked lips. So drink as much as 8-9 glasses or 1,5-2 liter everyday to avoid dehydration. Avoid sweet drinks and sodas that contain lots of sugar.
- Consumption of fruit and vegetables
Eat nutritious foods 4 healthy 5 perfect, especially fruit and vegetables that contain lots of vitamins A,C,E to restore to the pH balance in the body. Such as tomatoes, papaya, mango, watermelon, guava, carrots, strawberry, kiwi, oranges, avocados, broccoli, spinach, bok choy, sprouts, cabbage, potatoes and pumpkin.
- Wet lips with the tongue just make lips drier
Lips have nature protections form of thin layers that serve to moisturize. Lips become dry because loss this layers due to frequent wet lips. Enzymes in saliva that sticks to tongue make irritating
because the volatility of natural moisture lips.
- Do exfoliation not biting the lips
Bite the dead skin on lips will only make your lips bleed. Before brushing your teeth at night, remove dead skin cells on the lips by gently brushing lips with soft toothbrush special for baby. Do that until skin of lips feel smooth. Or apply honey on the lips and then rub gently until dead skin lifted up.
- Use lipcare that contains beeswax
Beeswax is nature wax that prodeced from beehive. Useful to moisturizing skin lips, so that lips be healthy, not dry and not cracked. Wear lipcare anytime, especially when your lips feel dry, so
that your lips are always moist, smooth and not cracked.
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