October 12, 2011

5 things about Glee season 3

Posted by nona ikha at 6:29 PM

1. Thanks to six new writers in Glee Season 3. our favorite stories in this series is guaranteed two-fold more attractive than the previous season. There is Marti Noxon who wrote the script of Grey's Anatomy and  the scipt of Buffy: The Vampire  Slayer. There is also Allison Adler who wrote the script of Chuck and the script of No Ordinary Family. And and four other reliable writer.

2. Sam Evan's Unique thick lip, his blond hair and his ridiculous behavior can not we see anymore in Glee season 3. So long Sam Evan, we're gonna miss you.

3. In Glee season 3 Rachel Berry, Finn Hudson and Kurt will graduate from William McKinley. And later in Glee season 4 they will no longer appear. But take it easy because their story as new college student at Juiliard University in New York will be told in Glee season 3.

4. The winner of The Glee Project ready to perform in Glee new season which will appear September 20th 2011 in Fox Chanel. The Glee Project is search competition for new character in Glee. One of four new characters in Glee season 3 will be played by the winner of The Glee Project.

5.  There are 3 girl new characters in Glee Season 3. First, Sugar that rich selfish girl and very confidence eventhough she can't sing. And then Sheila, tattos rock and the last Nancy Bletheim, geometry teacher doesn't like with art activity in the school. Hmm, maybe Nancy will be partner in crime with Sue Sylvester. Besides new girl, there is one new character boy called Bubba will falling in love with Mercedes. Ciieee


Fitridayanti on October 15, 2011 at 6:38 AM said...

dont stop believin'
hold on to that feeling~


Fitridayanti on October 15, 2011 at 6:39 AM said...

numpang exist di sini boleh kan Ka? ;D

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